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سمارت لاب

القانون الذكي – أدوات ومنهجيات مبتكرة وبناء سمارت لاب – الجزء الأول

في عالم الأعمال القانونية اليوم، أصبح مصطلح “الذكاء” شائعًا في كل مكان— بداية من العملاء الذين يبحثون عن خدمات قانونية “ذكية“، إلى شركات المحاماة التي تدّعي تقديم حلول متطورة، وصولًا إلى مزودي التكنولوجيا القانونية الذين يروجون لمنتجات “ذكية“. لكن ماذا يعني حقًا أن تكون الخدمة القانونية “ذكية“؟ هل يتعلق الأمر فقط باستخدام التكنولوجيا، أم أن …

Due Diligence

Due Diligence – How Legal Tech Can Revolutionize the process

The due diligence process is a cornerstone of corporate transactions, whether for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), investments, or partnerships. While it is critical for identifying risks and ensuring compliance, due diligence is also time-consuming, resource-intensive, and prone to human error when done manually. This is where legal technology (legal tech) steps in to transform the …

Future of Legal Careers

Emerging Roles in the Legal Industry: Navigating the Future of Legal Careers

Introduction: As the legal industry undergoes a period of rapid transformation driven by technological advancements, changing client expectations, and evolving regulatory landscapes, new opportunities for specialized roles are emerging within legal organizations. This article explores some of the innovative and in-demand jobs that are reshaping the legal industry and shaping the future of legal careers. …

Billable Hours

The Evolution of Billable Hours: Navigating the Future of Legal Billing

For decades, billable hours have been the cornerstone of legal billing, serving as the primary metric for measuring the value of legal services. However, as the legal industry evolves in response to shifting client demands, technological advancements, and changing market dynamics, the future of billable hours is increasingly uncertain. This article explores the evolving landscape …